The Best Apps to Manage Social Media on the Go

We all know that when you are managing your social media channels, it is important to be available at all times. There can be comments, reviews or messages that are very timely and it’s important as a business to answer right away. But, of course, you have a life and you are not always in front of a computer screen. So, we have compiled some of the best apps for managing your social media accounts so you can be ready even when you are on the go.


Facebook Pages

Facebook Pages is an incredible app that lets you manage your business pages from your phone. Technology glitches; and unfortunately, the regular Facebook app doesn’t always cut it when you are posting for a business. Often times it will say it’s posting as a business page, but then comment or post as your personal page. It’s so important to keep everything cohesive and professional on social media and “Facebook Pages” makes sure that you are always posting as the business page you have highlighted. It also has great analytic features on the app so you can still see how posts are performing and even do a deep dive into the month.


If you use Canva to create graphics, Canva also has an app available! It is so helpful for when you need to make quick graphics or Instagram stories but don’t have the time or ability to get in front of the computer screen.


If you often upload videos to Instagram, IGTV is your best friend. The catch with Instagram is that you can only post videos that are up to 60 seconds unless you utilize their IGTV features. So download IGTV and make the most of what Instagram has to offer for video!


Planoly is one of my favorite apps because it helps you organize the photos you plan on posting to Instagram. The look of your feed is important and having an app handy to see how everything flows together is super helpful! It also has scheduling features within the app where you can upload your captions and schedule to post directly to Instagram.

Google Sheets & Google Docs

Google apps are the best on the go. Whether you need to access an online document or make a quick edit, Google Sheets and Docs are both very helpful apps and easy to use. We love using Google Docs because you can access them from anywhere. Whether you are sending a document to your team internally or editing a shared doc with an outside organization, it lets you take your important docs with you wherever you go.

Scheduling Apps

If you use scheduling tools to plan out your social media content, it is really important to be able to access them from anywhere. Whether there be last minute edits to posts or having to add in some “real-time” photos, having the apps accessible lets you do it all from anywhere. This one can be important as well for some scheduling apps that need you to have the app in order to post directly to your Instagram.

Holiday Today

Holiday Today is a fun app we downloaded to notify us of the social media holidays. It’s super helpful for last minute social media post ideas or even to keep you “in the know” for things that may be currently trending on social media.

So, that’s some of the top apps that we use to keep us consistent, even when we are not at our desks. Do you have any apps that you’ve found handy that you would add to this list? Drop them in a comment below!

As always, if you are looking for a team to add some strategy to your content - we are always happy to talk! Send us an email at and let us take your social media to the next level!