3 Questions To Ask Yourself To Help Create Your Instagram Strategy

There are so many small details when it comes to developing your social media strategy- especially when you are using it to market to someone to either buy a product or service. However, although it may not always seem like it, social media users want to know about your business and find out if it is valuable to them. The trick is presenting it in a way where they want to find out more. Here are 3 key questions to ask yourself in order to create an Instagram strategy that stands out:


1. What Is My Story?

Every business has a story and no two are alike. What sets you apart from the competition? Think of why you started your business in the first place - was it to fill a void in the market? Was is to provide consumers with something they needed? Find your story and have that be the driving force behind your content.

2. What Makes You Unique?

Maybe you are a family-owned business and can offer a more personalized feel, maybe it’s your passion that drives you and not just the money, maybe it’s the experience your business offers, maybe your qualifications sets you apart from the competition - focus on that! The key to figuring this out is: you - and guess what, no other businesses have that! Find out what makes you unique in your industry and share it with your audience.

3. What Value Can I Offer My Audience?

Contrary to what others may believe, your social media is not about you. No one wants to see sales pitch after sales pitch. The key is to figure out what you can do to offer value to your audience. This can be seen in many different ways - from tips and tricks of the trade, answering a few questions that may confuse people about your industry or even a video demo!

If you are having trouble coming up with any of these answers - you are not alone! Let’s B Social is always here to help develop some of these concepts with you and offer our social media expertise, send us a message at brielle@letsbsocialtogether.com